White Lightning Thrush Treatment
Liquid - 8oz and 64oz
White Lightning solution, when mixed with equal parts white vinegar, produces chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is very aggressive in neutralizing bacteria, fungus and yeast. It has been proven to be highly effective in the treatment of:
White Line Disease
Hoof Rot
Seedy Toe
Made in the USA.
Treats white line disease, fungus, ringworm, scratches, rain rot and girth itch.
For the treatment of skin fungus including greased heels, girth itch, ringworm, minor abrasions, scratches and rain rot
Treats white line disease and thrush
Will not discolour hair
Liquid - 8oz and 64oz
White Lightning solution, when mixed with equal parts white vinegar, produces chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is very aggressive in neutralizing bacteria, fungus and yeast. It has been proven to be highly effective in the treatment of:
White Line Disease
Hoof Rot
Seedy Toe
Made in the USA.
Treats white line disease, fungus, ringworm, scratches, rain rot and girth itch.
For the treatment of skin fungus including greased heels, girth itch, ringworm, minor abrasions, scratches and rain rot
Treats white line disease and thrush
Will not discolour hair
Liquid - 8oz and 64oz
White Lightning solution, when mixed with equal parts white vinegar, produces chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is very aggressive in neutralizing bacteria, fungus and yeast. It has been proven to be highly effective in the treatment of:
White Line Disease
Hoof Rot
Seedy Toe
Made in the USA.
Treats white line disease, fungus, ringworm, scratches, rain rot and girth itch.
For the treatment of skin fungus including greased heels, girth itch, ringworm, minor abrasions, scratches and rain rot
Treats white line disease and thrush
Will not discolour hair
White Lightning is active for 8 hours once mixed with vinegar. After 8 hours it then becomes inert. NEVER mix more than what you are going to use at one time.
A single foot treatment consists of 2 oz of White Lightning Liquid + 2 oz of White Vinegar + enough water to cover halfway up the hoof wall.
Remove shoes (if possible), and clean the hoof of dirt and debris.
Insert the clean hoof into a heavy duty plastic bag containing the the activated White Lightning Solution. Then secure the top of the bag to the leg to avoid the escape of the gas produced by the activated solution. (Vetrap works well for this).
Ensure your horse stands in the bag for at least 40-45 minutes
Repeat 2-3 times per week for the first 4-6 weeks. Then 1-2 times per week until the hoof has completely grown out. For horses with chronic White Line Disease, it is recommended to continue to treat once a month even after the hoof has grown out to ensure its kept at bay.
DO NOT mix White Lightning with any other product other than White Vinegar & Water as it can cause an undesirable chemical reaction.
DO NOT mix White Lightning in a metal container as it is an oxidizer.
White Lightning may discolor hair or clothing.