Three more Summer clinics in Alberta and Saskatchewan

We’re so happy to say our community is spreading further into Alberta and Saskatchewan! So many passionate horse owners, it’s fantastic to see!

We plan to pause our travels to Western Canada next year and spread our reach (hooves and wings ;-) ) to Eastern Canada!

Lots of photos in this post so we recommend enjoying with a wifi connection and ideally on a larger screen so you can take it all in.

Clinic #7 Grand Prairie, AB 2023

Horse owners in Alberta are taking control of their horse’s soundness and having great success!

This year’s Alberta clinics saw 2 young students in Hoof Care ages 11 and 13 years. These young horse owners grasped the concepts of trimming and went to work effortlessly bringing their horse’s feet back into balance. Seems like the younger you are the less you overthink things. Good job girls! You Rock!

Hiring other people to trim hooves is becoming obsolete in some communities.

Spring Creek Ranch in Grande Prairie was buzzing with owners, coaches and students. Never too late to learn a few new things. Learning that one or two new ideas can change your already expansive base of knowledge in ways you never expected!

We so respect and appreciate the seasoned horse owners and caregivers that come to our clinics. Learning new ways to approach hoof care can be very hard to apply when we have been doing it for decades. Not only are we confident in our knowledge and set in our ways, we also have muscle memory and cognition to strain against and it is harder for professionals to adapt to new techniques.

We (Christine and Francine) Thank You so much for coming, practicing and digesting new information.

Forest Track system. We ❤️ it! So do the horses.

Clinic #8 Sherwood Park, AB 2023

We returned to AB and had a wonderful time seeing alumni students (aka Returning Geeks) from 2022, and making more life long Hoof Geek Friends with new students. The returning Geeks shared their wonderful successes and were surprised that they learned MORE the second time around.

Sheila Reithmayer was our host once again and along with Angelica Sundstrom (both are professional hoof trimmers). We had a great time watching new students find heir way around hooves.

Watching practical trimming demos and seeing theory put into action to reveal the Healthy Hoof Within is always exciting. Dissecting a hoof really helps you ‘get’ anatomy slides like nothing else can! Trust me, seeing is believing!

Thanks to our amazing guest clinician - Elisha Edwards who shared her immense of knowledge on Equine Healing through Natural Nutrition and also had the opportunity to play ‘Hoof Geeks student’ and discover more secrets in anatomy form and function. Colleague Collaboration at its best!!


students assess horse with christine of hoof geeks at Hague SK clinic 2023

Clinic #9 - Hague SK, 2023

How many times have you asked questions about your horses health and have received a “don’t worry about it, it’s nothing” answer?

As we teach, we observe our students' thought processes and encourage them to ask questions. Many of these questions are typically addressed during the first day of the clinic.

Nose to toes and everything in between!

Teeth, digestion, lifestyle, nutrition, natural healing via micronutrients: all of these will have an effect on the feet.

Sooo it’s not just about the trim?.?…. The Shoe? The Boot?


By checking out a horse's feet, you can really get a sense of its overall well-being and health. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, the condition of their feet will definitely show it.

And the biggest negative impact of all? Stress!

So if you think coming to a Hoof Geeks clinic is just about trimming; and if trimming does not interest you, we still have LOTS to offer you that you can take to your horse and they WILL be impacted in a positive way.

Know Horse - Know Hoof!

poster for The Evolution in Whole-Horse Soundness Sept 30-Oct 2, 2023 Regina, Saskatchewan

We’re excited!

We’re getting ready for Canada’s First Whole Horse Health Conference at the end of September in Regina Saskatchewan.

Milestones are being set in this country.
We are moving leaps and bounds forward to helping horse owners find their way into the hands of many amazing and talented healing Equine professionals who are coming together to bring their best to you in Central Canada.

Hope to see you there!



Christine's Horse Track System tour from horseback


Summer clinics in BC - Part 2